Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fireside at Hickory Creek

py·ro·ma·ni·a  [pahy-ruh-mey-nee-uh, -meyn-yuh]  noun a compulsion and love to set things on fire. (okay I added the love part)

It's getting cold out in Columbus. I notice it in the morning when I wake up and it's a little harder to pull back the blankets and get out of bed. I notice it when I forget to put socks on right away after I shower and my feet are as cold as the pavement outside. The times I don't notice the cold are my favorites. When it's cold outside and I can SEE but not FEEL it (yes, I know you can't really see cold but I hope you know what I mean.) The best part of my Columbus apartment is that it awards me the ability to cozy up on my couch in front of a movie,  looking outside at this new, crisp, cold air, all while in the glow and the warmth of a crackling, wood-burning fire.

Having a fireplace at my apartment has been an amazing gift since I moved here. I enjoy the coziness and heat it brings to my life and so does my cat who often falls asleep in front of the flames watching the embers glow and the fire grow then diminish slowly to ash. It's fun to pile the kindling and stack the logs, building the imperfect pieces to my perfect flame. I'll have to add a fireplace kit to my Christmas list as my fireplace has already gotten quite a bit of use and I only see more in the coming colder months.

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